01.12.24 10:10 Account Transfer 4562 Sent Payment: 4562 USD to account U437291XX From U30445019. Batch: 183924XX. Memo: Payout From YINKSFUND
SENT NOVEMBER 28th 03:38 AM To : sjnfpS4sjn4God4hVaplrB28kcg48acEXXXX from : my Bitcoin Wallet Payout from WESTVILLADB $5,425.00 Transaction confirmed
SENT NOVEMBER 28th 01:22 PM To : t1jcfVxkmfPysc3bmgT8jsv6taikfGvaXXXX from : my Bitcoin Wallet Payout from YINKSFUND $6,640.00 Transaction confirmed.
SENT NOVEMBER 28th 07:04 AM To : od4hVaplrB28kcg48acEsjnfpS4sjn4GXXXX from : my Bitcoin Wallet Payout from YINKSFUND $660.00 Transaction confirmed.
SENT NOVEMBER 28th 12:51 AM To : mgT8jsv6taikfGvat1jcfVxkmfPysc3bXXXX from : my Bitcoin Wallet Payout from YINKSFUND $20.00 Transaction confirmed.
27.11.24 09:00 Account Transfer 900 Sent Payment: 900 USD to account U201906XX From U30445019. Batch: 320724XX. Memo: Payout From YINKSFUND
27.11.24 04:31 Account Transfer 4002 Sent Payment: 4002 USD to account U901211XX From U30445019. Batch: 307200XX. Memo: Payout From YINKSFUND
27.11.24 10:15 Account Transfer 150 Sent Payment: 150 USD to account U555041XX From U30445019. Batch: 512613XX. Memo: Payout From YINKSFUND
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